About Me

My name is Georgina, I am a Powerful Healer, Chakra Practitioner and International Intuitive Writer/Speaker. I was always intrigued by skincare, my interest grew as I discovered the wealth of healing powers in essential oils and how they enhance and assist with many issues within the human body.
My journey lead me to creating magic blends for my clients and seeing their benefits within my community, I was guided to create Essential Mind, Body & Spirit, so that more and more people could benefit from my incredible healing potions.
My motto is Live Life out of the Ordinary. I have always sought the alternative way of living, from the way I think, the food I eat and the products I apply to my body. The more aware I became, the more driven I was to create beautifully sourced, healing products to assist and support everyone on their everyday journey.
Ontop of designing and making these wonderful Chakra products, I am a wonderful Mentor who has helped and supported thousands of people worldwide on their path. I have been mentoring people for over 10 years with wonderful skills, wisdom, knowledge and tools to help people move into the newness they so deeply desire.
I have many gifts to those I mentor and I love supporting people to have major breakthroughs.
I am driven guide and mentor who loves helping as many people as I can to make a difference in their life. My desire and intention is to share the experiences and gifts I have learnt from, which have helped me develop along my journey and path.
Sharing my natural gift to tune in to your energy, I will help guide you through any blocks, helping you see and think differently about life.
I look forward to inspiring and guiding you on your journey.
If you are interested in finding out how my mentoring services will help you, please click this link
Love Georgina x